
Download our White Paper on ADA Cut Point and Sensitivity Analysis Module

Download our App Note comparing Red Thread’s Cut Point determination workflow with a commonly used statistical analysis tool, R

Download our ADA Cut Point and Sensitivity Analysis Module PDF

The Problem

Unlike pharmacokinetics, immunogenicity is a fairly new field and comes with the challenges of confusion around assay design, limited guidance and lack of standardization in methodology. Making things worse is the disconnect between bioanalytical scientists who design the experiments and the statisticians who analyze the data points in absence of context of assay design.

Red Thread Solution

Ariadne has taken its first step toward assisting with immunogenicity assays by offering cut-point analysis to provide domain expertise and increase consistency and transparency among bioanalysts, statisticians and regulators while ensuring compliance.

Red Thread Advantage

Red Thread utilizes the power of expert systems, a component of artificial intelligence, to scan through and analyze large amounts of data in a fraction of time, allowing for reduced turnaround time and cost efficiency. Combined with our bioanalytical and data analysis expertise, Red Thread brings consistency and transparency to your scientific review and auditing process, and helps you keep your projects internal to your team, while increasing oversight.

Currently Available Analyses

Screening cut point analysis
Confirmatory cut point analysis
Titer cut point analysis


Complies with regulatory guidelines and industry best practices
Checks for scientific accuracies
Histograms and box plots representing distribution and outliers within a data set
Platform agnostic
Accepts files in xlsx format as well as directly from various LIMS platforms

Unleash the exponential power of advanced computational techniques for bioanalytical data review